Each project is an opportunity to create something special. The experience of the space is of utmost importance and design should capture the essence of both the site and the people using it.

I take pride in providing attentive service and quality site specific solutions. My aim is to design contemporary places that engage people, enrich user experience, and enhance our environment.  

Carolyn Kennedy has more than 15 years in landscape design. Her education in Psychology and Landscape Architecture merge to produce a focus on the perception and experience of our environment.

Carolyn’s penchant for clean contemporary spaces is heightened by her proficiency in planting design. Her project experience represents scales from community planning to intimate patio spaces with a focus on custom features and site furnishings.

Prior to completing three terms on the West Vancouver Design Review Committee and the Lower Caulfield Advisory Committee, she was a Director on the British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects Board. Carolyn has presided as a guest lecturer and critic for the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at the University of British Columbia.